Motivation: intrinsic vs extrinsic
If we talk about people, one of the first thing that come to my mind is the theme of motivation.

What motivates us?
The most amazing experiences one can have most of the times are based on the high level of challenge we have faced, the incredible results we’ve achieved or the unimaginable or unexpected pleasure that we’ve sensed.
And I am talking about “experiences”, not about the overall compensation, as that one may include, or not, all kinds of extrinsic motivation.
These days every company is concerned about Customer Experience (CX), User Experience (UX), Digital Transformation or Digitization (DT) and, although many do not even have a concrete idea about what they are talking, those who know consider that, above all, it is fundamental to provide customers with a outstanding experience so they will come back for our solutions, whether products or services, without the need of great marketing efforts.
When we refer to employees’ experience (EX) obviously that compensation (salary and benefits) are an important part of motivation, but if that is the only one do not count on the extra mile, do not count on innovation, do not count on anything on top of the job description definitions. If one employee is autonomous, shows competences above what is required and develops relations for himself and for the company, he’s, without a doubt, highly and intrinsically motivated, focused on the future and the strategy, whoever has defined it.
So, do we want people motivated by the measurable compensation they get (the one they feel like getting) or do we want customers, employees, partners and friends highly motivated by the experience, when relating to us or to our company?
Daniel Lança Perdigão, Visual Improvement Agent,